Amongst students of all grade levels
To succeed at one’s own level
For increasing Kriah proficiency
The school day is packed with essential subjects and material, which makes it difficult to set aside time to maintain the foundation of our learning. This is why the CKC program utilizes only 15 minutes of class time twice per week.
We’re happy to help you transition from mainstream Kriah remediation to a program with the schoolwide CKC enhancement.
We discuss the advantages of bringing the CKC program into your school and determine if the CKC program is right for your school population.
Next, we determine who will spearhead this school wide initiative. The Kriah specialist in your school is likely to be the ideal candidate along with the full fledged support of the principal.
We're committed to working closely with your staff, to ensure the success of this program. We understand that things are constantly changing, and we're always ready to help you adapt to your school’s evolving needs. Our ultimate goal is to raise the bar for Kriah proficiency in your school, and we're honored to be a part of that growth.
Here is what parents and educators say about the program